People. Business. Acumen.
Redefining people analytics for due diligence and strategic planning

Highsight People Optimiser Platform
Highsight’s platform delivers cutting-edge people optimisation analytics, designed to revolutionise how investors evaluate human capital during the pre-investment phase and optimise the portfolio workforce post-investment.
Highsight also empowers portfolio company leadership teams with strategic people planning tools to maximise returns and drive superior performance.

It’s all about the people…
Businesses consist of various functions—such as sales, finance, and application development—all of which are ultimately driven by people. Each individual brings unique attributes that, although nuanced, collectively provide a comprehensive picture of the organisational performance and business trajectory.
Tracking and projecting this journey is fundamental. Insight and analysis into the core operations and intellectual capital of a company cannot be achieved through financial modelling alone.
...evidenced by the data
To help Talent Leaders gain these insights, Highsight’s People Optimiser leverages rich datasets to provide a platform with key indices that facilitates evidence-based decision-making.
Talent Leaders are not just the Chief People Officer/CHRO; they include the CEO, COO, and every other executive and management-level individual within a company. Additionally, in the investment world, LPs and Heads of Talent at PE and VC firms require these insights at both pre and post investment. ​
Focus on decision-making while Highsight does the heavy lifting.
Perform weeks of analysis in an instant.
Highsight –
two sides of the same coin

At the pre-investment stage, the Highsight platform delivers indices, benchmarks, and data insights, enabling comparisons with competitors and other comparators. These insights inform discussions on organisational structure, employee skills, and other ELC metrics, supporting the potential investment hypothesis.
After investment, the Highsight platform can be used to track the portfolio company's people performance during quarterly reviews. This is not just from an internal perspective, but also in comparison to industry best-in-class or specific comparators.

The Highsight platform enables executive teams to track key people indices—such as span of control, retention, skill base, location, and function distribution—to ensure the organisation is performing at a best-in-class level.
It also supports what-if analyses for functions, locations, skills, and hiring strategies.
These data driven strategies can be used in quarterly reviews with the investor team.

...with symbiotic needs
Supercharge your investment decisions by conducting a dynamic audit, analysing real-time benchmarks of key indices to elevate your due diligence process.
Unearth insights by benchmarking competitors through peer analysis, to better gauge the business impact of people capabilities.
Continuously monitor, rigorously scrutinise and dynamically review performance against peer benchmarks to elevate workforce management efficacy.
Craft visionary plans by modelling and executing dynamic what-if analysis, delivering unparalleled value to strategic planning through powerful, data-driven insights.

Risk comes from not knowing.
Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked.
Warren Buffet